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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.radio.swap:4642 news.answers:4325
- Newsgroups: rec.radio.swap,rec.radio.info,rec.answers,news.answers
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!uunet!wupost!usc!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!news.unomaha.edu!cwis!pschleck
- From: pschleck@cwis.unomaha.edu (Paul W Schleck KD3FU)
- Subject: A Guide to Buying and Selling on Usenet
- Message-ID: <swap-guide-1-723211298@unomaha.edu>
- Followup-To: poster
- Summary: A guide to the rec.radio.swap newsgroup, providing a
- description of the group and its charter, net-wisdom on the
- best use of this forum, and some brief netiquette notes.
- Also provides general guidelines for the other forsale and
- marketplace forums.
- Keywords: ham amateur radio cb buy sell swap netiquette
- Sender: news@news.unomaha.edu (UNO Network News Server)
- Supersedes: <swap-guide-1-720619264@unomaha.edu>
- X-Posting-Frequency: posted on the 1st of each month
- Reply-To: pschleck@unomaha.edu,jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu (Guide Coordinators)
- Organization: ACM Student Chapter, University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1992 12:03:57 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Fri, 15 Jan 1993 06:00:00 GMT
- Lines: 146
- Posted-By: auto-faq script
- Archive-name: swap-guide
- Revision: 1.2 10/03/92 05:39:04
- (Note: The following is reprinted with the permission of the author.)
- This message is a guide to buying and selling over Usenet. It is intended to
- serve as a guide for users unfamiliar with common conventions used in the
- Usenet marketplace. Questions and comments may be directed to the author, Jay
- Maynard, K5ZC, via Internet electronic mail at jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu.
- This message was last changed on 2 June 1992. Thanks go to readers of the
- personal radio newsgroups, who provided feedback to the net about proper use
- of this forum, and especially Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU, pschleck@unomaha.edu,
- who compiled most of the net wisdom and suggested the creation of this
- article.
- Usenet has proven to be a valuable resource for many folks. Along with lots of
- discussion, argument, and good, solid information, it's also a good place to
- buy or sell equipment, and many people have done so successfully. As with any
- other medium, though, there are conventions that make everyone's life easier
- if they're followed as much as possible.
- The following are some suggested guidelines for using the rec.radio.swap
- forum, based on general net-wisdom from users. Most of it is basic common
- sense, but it is unfortunate that some users have consistently abused this
- forum by not following such basic common sense. The general guidelines will
- serve as well for other groups on the net, such as misc.forsale and
- just.about.anything.marketplace.
- What is appropriate to post in rec.radio.swap?
- Any offer to buy or sell radio and electronics equipment, such as
- transmitters, receivers, antennas, electronics parts, and radio-related
- computer equipment is appropriate for this forum. Posts concerning
- non-hardware (but still radio-related) items such as documentation manuals,
- books, radio-related software, and publications, are also welcome.
- Please do not post discussion articles to this group. If you really must post,
- please do so to the appropriate discussion group. Use email whenever possible,
- especially if you feel someone has committed a breach of etiquette.
- Articles concerning illegal equipment (such as CB linear amplifiers and police
- radar jammers) are not welcome. Not only will you be severely "flamed," you
- are also opening yourself (and possibly the owners and administrators of your
- news site) up to civil and criminal liability. Individuals who are involved in
- the regular business of buying and selling for profit are requested not to
- abuse this forum by using it as a "free advertisement" service for their
- business, although they are welcome to participate as individuals. The
- distinction here is that there is a cultural bias on Usenet, and an actual
- prohibition on some networks that carry Usenet traffic, against using the net
- for commercial purposes. Let your conscience be your guide.
- Doesn't this article violate its own guidelines?
- Well, yes and no. In the strictest sense, this article violates the rule that
- only buying and selling advertisements belong in the rec.radio.swap newsgroup.
- However, since those using this newsgroup are most likely to see articles in
- the same newsgroup, and since this newsgroup serves readers of the
- rec.radio.amateur.*, rec.radio.cb, rec.radio.shortwave, and alt.radio.scanner
- newsgroups, posting it here provides the greatest visibility with the least
- instrusion. Other suggestions which achieve the same goals are welcome.
- If you are looking for something specific...
- Try to first find the item through other channels before resorting to the net.
- If the manufacturer is still in business, you may be pleasantly surprised that
- they still have the items on the shelf. Other companies specialize in
- discontinued and surplus parts and equipment and are your best source for
- tracking down items. Consult the mail-order electronics list available from
- ftp.cs.buffalo.edu in file ~/pub/ham-radio/mail_order or the advertising
- sections of most popular radio and electronics publications.
- Once you have exhausted all other channels, then certainly do post. State
- clearly what you are looking for (e.g. "a part# 345X56 Bakelite Frobnicator
- for an American Hawk Fubar 2000, circa 1968-1970"), and how much you are
- willing to pay (or that you're willing to negotiate). Avoid sending out
- "equipment-wanted" posts unless you are willing to pay for shipping from
- wherever it may turn up (this newsgroup is read throughout the world), or
- state clearly where you're willing to accept items from. Use the Distribution:
- header line to limit where your posting will go, but be aware that it's far
- from an absolute restriction; articles with ba (San Francisco Bay area)
- distribution, for example, are imported to places like Boston regularly.
- If you are selling equipment...
- Be specific in your first post about what you are selling and how much you
- want for it (or that you're willing to negotiate). State clearly whether or
- not the price includes shipping, and if it does, be sure to allow yourself a
- reasonable amount to cover the cost. Avoid sending out "for sale" posts unless
- you are willing to arrange for shipping to whomever in the message
- distribution wants to buy it (and remember the comment above about
- Distribution: headers...); if you cannot limit the posting's distribution for
- one reason or another, be clear in your message about where you will and will
- not ship. The US Postal Service and United Parcel Service have a 75-pound
- limit on packages, and other carriers have similar limits; anything heavier
- will have to go by motor-freight (read: EXPENSIVE). Don't advertise equipment
- that you cannot ship within a reasonable amount of time.
- Once you have made a deal, state clearly your intentions and follow through on
- them. Nothing angers a buyer more than delays and excuses. Once you do ship,
- have it securely packaged (insurance is strongly recommended). Payment terms
- should be whatever you and the buyer are comfortable with, and commonly
- include options such as money up-front, COD (Cash on Delivery), or payment
- upon receipt and inspection. Don't be offended if the buyer wants to take
- steps to protect his position, since he probably doesn't know you. Most
- readers of this forum are basically honest and want to maintain their
- net-image, but the few bad apples should encourage you to only deal with
- honest, reputable people and to reasonably protect your position in any
- transaction.
- If you are buying equipment...
- Respond to an advertisement in a prompt manner. (The item may well not be
- available if you don't!) State clearly your terms and intentions and follow
- through on them. Nothing angers a seller more than delays and excuses. As
- radio equipment is generally bulky and fragile, allow for a reasonable amount
- of money to package, insure, and ship your purchase properly. Payment terms
- should be similar to those suggested under seller's guidelines, and should
- reasonably protect your position (remember, you are probably buying equipment
- sight-unseen from a relative stranger), but remember that he needs to protect
- his position as well. If you are unsure of a given seller, ask a net-regular
- discretly via E-mail. He or she will be more than happy to either ease your
- concerns or confirm your suspicions.
- The Usenet marketplace groups in general, and rec.radio.swap in particular,
- are a great place to buy that piece of gear you've had your eye on. Items go
- quickly for reasonable prices. I've sold a radio within three hours of posting
- the for sale message. The usefulness of these groups depends to a large extent
- on the people who inhabit them, though, and a few unscrupulous users can
- easily sink the whole thing. Whether you are a buyer, seller, or seeker of
- equipment, remember that your honesty and integrity reflects on the general
- reputation and usefulness of this forum and amateur radio in general.
- --
- Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
- jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu | adequately be explained by a .sig virus.
- "[...] have you noticed how many people have joined you on the back of
- Rosinante to help subdue this particular windmill?" -- Dan Herrick
- --
- 73, Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU
- pschleck@unomaha.edu
- Celebrating 60 years of the Univ. of Maryland ARA - W3EAX (1933-1993)